Yes we are referring to AMD Ryzen 4000 series processors aimed towards mobile devices. Announced back at CES 2020, the lineup already looked very impressive (except for the absence of PCIe Gen 4 but never mind) by bringing the "7nm Zen 2" architecture and top tier 8 Cores/16 threads CPUs, the top of the line 4900H (45W) and the stripped down 4900HS (35W) the later we saw in the all new ROG Zephyrus G14. On third place we have the 4800H with the same 8 Cores/16 threads configuration but with the base clock of 2.9 GHz.

Quite serious performance uplift was claimed by AMD back at CES 2020 but they all remained to be tested. With the recent launch of ROG laptops which also includes the Zephyrus G14, we have finally seen what AMD has achieved and its "REALLY FAST" and we mean it! 

We have seen a number of performance benchmarks on the Zephyrus G14 and the new AMD chip absolutely crushes the game by providing "DESKTOP CLASS" performance (to a certain level though - still can't beat 3950X and 9900K by any means) and remember this is not the flagship chip. But the most amazing point here is that with this superb performance, battery life is not compromised at all. Perhaps, it is a thin and light gaming device with best battery life available on the market right now! 
Intel still dominates the market but the situations is appearing to change if AMD keeps up the game!
What do you think? Tell us in the comments.

Here are some of the review articles of the Zephyrus G14: